CREDIT – How to make the change
It is almost always possible to do the change for the better. A change is a process like any other transformation.
You can start by asking: “What is the most important thing we/I need to do to perform better?”
In order to make the change, be it personal or organizational, I have simplified the process to the abbreviation “CREDIT” – which as a word means:
”praise, approval, or honour” – Cambridge’s dictionary
Besides of the many other meanings the word holds, these verbs perfectly describe the essence of the change. So let’s see what the C.R.E.D.I.T. is made of!

The Six Elements of Making a Change
1. Communicate…
…the goal, the direction, why the change is needed and what is the one thing that needs to be reached. Make it simple – find the core of the idea and explain why this is the most important task.
It is crucial for the change to succeed so that people understand WHY and HOW the change is done.
2. Respect
People go the extra mile only if they respect you or they fear you. Respect is generated by respecting. Choose your side.
3. Educate
It is the leader whose duty is to coach and motivate employees. Sometimes this requires extra attention, and always good communication: what is expected and why. Just make sure that the person who is being educated is motivated to learn. If in doubt, please check my earlier post
4. Discuss
It is always smart to let people participate as much as possible. That is done the best by discussing one to one. In those discussions it is better to listen more than to speak. That is the reason why we have two ears and one mouth. Well not really, but still a nice proverb. 🙂
But don’t try to roll the final responsibility on other people’s shoulders – as a leader you are in charge and also the one who ultimately needs to be able to do the decisions. Even hard ones.
5. Inspire
People love the change if it feels good and is beneficial to them. Inspiration can be more motivational I.e. getting praised by a manager or a monetary incentive I.e. giving a bonus for a good work. Very often the best plan is a combination of many ways.
6. Track
Make sure you know and remember your own goal. And keep steering the ship accordingly. If it looks like nothing is happening amplify the CREDIT process: communicate more, keep respecting, educate those who need and seek guidance, discuss until there is nothing more to discuss and make sure people get rewarded fairly for a good work.
I hope that this simple roadmap helps you to make the change for the better. Also please feel free to comment this post in the comment section below or in the social media. I would love to hear your thoughts. :3